Friday, June 16, 2006

BBQ – The British Style

After a series of rainy weeks, it seemed that the rain has eventually grown tired of pouring and has finally allowed the sun to shine. Summer is here and a perfect time for barbecue!!! It’s something most people here look forward to and enjoy.

On the 1st of June, I got a mail from a colleague inviting for a barbecue at his place on Friday night. I hesitated at first since that day will be the final day for the Great British Menu and they will be announcing the chef and his particular courses that will be served on the queen’s birthday at the The Mansion House. But then, I decided to go for the barbecue since I can always catch the winners on the internet. With everybody on the team, off we went bringing along with us ready-to-grill chicken and pork cuts and some drinks.

It was a fun party with the guys doing the juicy barbecue, my colleague’s wife tossing some fresh green salad, a variety of chips and the scrumptious salsa and of course overflowing drinks in between chats. The presence of the kids made it more entertaining. They too, have their own version of barbecue. It was more of a breather from a busy week with the big guys bonding with the little ones.

It was definitely worth coming to it than spending the lazy bright evening with British menu on the tube. And it made me wish that my flat came with a garden so I can do some barbecue-hosting as well, this time…Pinoy-style.

Here are some pictures candidly taken by one of my colleagues:

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