Thursday, October 26, 2006

Shops & etc.

Recently, despite the sluggish weather, we’ve been up and about going from place to place looking out for big discount sales as my mother did her pasalubong shopping. They are flying back home at the end of this month and that means I’ll be left on my own again. Sigh!

For that particular weekend, first on the list was the famed shopping center of London and Europe’s largest High Street – the Oxford Street. We managed to buy a few items for my dear sisters and some autumn and winter clothes for me despite the elbow-to-elbow crowd. People from all sorts of races seemed to gather out there to shop and you’ll experience assortment of races, colors, sizes, languages and well…odors. Haha!

As I was scouting around for some favors and souvenirs for my BIG DAY, we went to Portobello Road Market in Notting Hill which is popular for its antique shops. Finding nothing that suits our theme, we checked out the Covent Garden which is in the heart of London’s West End. It is famous for its fashionable shops and boutiques, street performers, bars, restaurants, theatres and the Royal Opera House. The whole setting reminded me of Greenhills tiangge. They have stalls that sell a whole variety of products which was most like the ones you can find back home. Luckily, Crabtree and Evelyn has a boutique inside and it was there I perfectly found the things I was looking for all these time.

Here are some images taken along the way:

Autumn in London

Nanay and Tatay with London's Red Telephone Box and Red Double-Decker Bus

Evita...shown in one of London's West End theatres...and traffic jam - London style

Same old me in a whole new world...

Covent Garden Market with people watching....

....Street Performers

Ancestor? hehe! a British Liberal Statesman. I'm more interested in the name than in the figure. hehe!

Wednesday, October 04, 2006

The Wrath of Milenyo

I saw the pictures of the damages Milenyo has brought and I felt a different kind of gloominess. Gone are the familiar sights that had been home for me for the past five years. Shattered houses, establishments and billboards; uprooted trees and light posts, upturned vans and other vehicles; the many lost lives – God help us!

I pray for the restoration of our electric and water supplies, homes, lives and faith to bounce back after a great calamity.

“Through the storm, through the night, lead us into the light. Take our hands, precious Lord, lead us home”

Tuesday, October 03, 2006

Here Comes Autumn

Lately, the weather is making it extra hard for me to wake up in the morning. It has started to get cold especially at the start of the day and towards the evening. It has also started to get dark as early as half past six in the evening. And of course, there are the frequent rains, fog and strong winds that remind me of the suspended school days back when I was still in school (read: bagyo. hehe!). There’s a certain crisp smell in the air brought about by the fallen dried leaves. A combination of greens, oranges, yellows and sometimes burgundies entertains my sight.

Yeah! Indeed, autumn is here. My very first autumn and I can’t wait to fully enjoy its splendour when all the leaves have fallen and I can walk over them and hear their crushing sound. That’s what I’ve always dreamed of doing eversince. Just about a week ago, I kept my summer beddings and linens and put out my duvet. It’s just so comforting to curl inside it and let my body enjoy the warmth.

But then behind the excitement and anticipation for the coming of a new season, I am also beginning to feel a little homesick. Weird! Just when it will be over a month before my homecoming, I am feeling these pangs of missing dear Pinas. Maybe, it has something to do with my parents going home at the end of this month and I’ll be left all alone here again. Maybe, it’s because of the onset of the Christmas Season for us Pinoys and I just can’t feel it from here. Maybe, I’m just overly excited. There’s a lot for me to look forward to and I can’t wait to spend time with my family back in Bacolod, spending time with Zach and our friends and of course…the BIG event!!!

Oh! Autumn is here…and I’ll be coming home before it will end.