Monday, April 06, 2009

A New Obsession?

These past weeks, I realized that my life seem to revolved around baking that I would turn down out-of-town trips invitation and preferred to stay home and bake. It all started when I had a good purchase of a set of silicone baking pans in Costco. Excited to try it all, I rummaged around for my mother's all-time cake recipes and tried new ones found in the internet. I got so obsessed that I was even thinking of starting a baking blog. Haha!

Baking is not something new for me as I grew up seeing my mother bake. All the time! I even took Culinary Arts classes for two years as part of our high school curriculum but those were not enough to stir up the interest in me.

Until, recently.

Each week I make it a point to bake something. I started out making cookies and brownies since I only had to mix everything and beat as much as I like and they are not that prone to flatness and failure. Then, I moved on to chocolate and butter cakes and eventually angel cake, sponge cake and pies. Well, not all of them turned out pretty but at least they were edible and most importantly, Zach enjoyed them.

Apple Pie - ready for the upper crust and then straight to the oven

My own version of the Australian dessert Pavlova

After weeks and weeks of sweet treats, my ever health-conscious hubby, all of a sudden, got conscious about his high sugar and carbo intakes and have been spending extra time in the gym to burn them off. It might be his way of letting me know to slow down on my baking as he was always the one finishing them off to make way for my next treat. Haha!

I don't know if this new obsession of mine is here to stay (especially now that I have my mind set on our upoming holiday) or it may be just like my "make-up mania" last year that caused me to splurge on make-up, mascara and brushes that ended up stored in my drawers - now unused.