Saturday, May 06, 2006

Missing GLOBE

For the past weeks, I’ve been busy! I’ve been occupied with dimensioning work and I got really engrossed with it. It helped a lot as I don’t have time and space left for melodramatic tendencies. Hehe!!! Though I can say, that after a couple of months, I have adjusted to living a British lifestyle and being literally on my own, work has made me miss Globe.

It’s just different here…from the workplace to the workforce.

Here in our workplace, they are not much concern about orderliness as long as they have a place to put on their laptops and do their business for the rest of the day. They have desks double the size of what I used to have in Globe but they are all full of binders, folders, empty paper cups (that they don’t bother to throw) and what-have-you’s. They don’t personalize their desks like we do in Pinas where we display figurines, pictures, stuffed toys and all those souvenir items. Well, for most of us girls. Hehe!!! Even if they serve free espresso and cappuccino (and people here are still complaining about it not being good enough) and a vending machine with all sorts of chocolates and crisps, it is still not as homey as 14/F BPI Buendia where they managed to put ornamental plants and seeing to it that employees feel comfortable while working.

Then I realized that the clutter may be because people here usually work on site or from home. They just turn up in the office once in a while. For the past three months that I’ve been here, I’ve only seen a few of my colleagues. There will always be new faces popping in and out of our work area. Of the few that goes in everyday, I haven’t really established a relationship the same that I had with my previous colleagues just yet. You see, people here are so absorbed with whatever they are doing (be it work-related or internet-related. Hehe!) that they don’t have time for chika like what we are used to in Pinas. Back home, when work is getting kind of stressful, we just take a break, turn to our nearest cube mates and talk about anything and everything under the sun.

The thing that I missed most in Globe is the camaraderie among officemates. We see and spend time with each other everyday and creating friendship along the way. I miss having lunch together, taking long breaks in the afternoon together and having someone with me on my way home after a long day.

There will always be bitter realities that we have to face and one of them is letting go some comfy things in life in order to explore the wider world. I know somewhere along the globe, we’ll be seeing each other again or better yet, work with each other again.

Last afternoon coffee session at Starbucks.

CNE NSS Team – AGA 2005 Nominated for Excellence in Innovation :-)

I miss my cube mates!

The girls with Rommel J.

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